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Here are our users latest services, products, offers, business details. We promote everything online for the lowest price range.
Unlike traditional classified ads and business directories, our website and mobile app is having unique features and is made for mainly helping people in case of any critical situations.
Creating an account with us is totally free and easy. Use our mobile app for more friendly service.
Once registered, simply login from our mobile app and browse amazing offers, goods & find best businesses & service providers near you. List services, business or classified ad in our high traffic website & get more customers.
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To avoid fake deals, we moderate each and every classified listings in our website. An example of such can be checked below.
There are thousands of fake travel agents in Kolkata who are looting money from customers. Do not get in such traps. We moderated and optimised each every travel agents in Kolkata, however we recommend users to ask for more details from them while dealing with these travel agents.
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